25 jaar Yu-Gi-Oh!, dat moet zeker gevierd worden. Met deze tweede reeks Rarity Collection boosters kan iedere speler en verzamelaar zijn hartje ophalen! Niet minder dan 79 epische kaarten worden in deze set aangeboden. Elk van deze kaarten kan voorkomen in maar liefst 7 verschillende versies!
Elke booster heeft in totaal 9 kaarten, met 2 Secret Rares, 4 Ultra-Rares en 3 Super Rares.
If you missed out on the first Rarity Collection, here’s how it works: Every card in the set is available in every rarity, with 3
“standard” rarities (Super Rare, Ultra rare, Secret Rare), and four special “luxury’” rarities: Quarter Century Secret Rares (celebrating the 25th anniversary with tons of sparkle and a watermark logo!), Platinum Secret Rares, “Prismatic”-style Collector’s Rares, and “Prismatic”-style Ultimate Rares.
Each pack will contain 9 cards:
- 2 Secret Rares (each with an individual 1-in-4 chance of being upgraded to a Platinum Secret Rare or Quarter Century Secret Rare)
- 4 Ultra Rares (each with an individual 1-in-6 chance of being upgraded to a new “Prismatic”-style Collector’s Rare or new “Prismatic”-style Ultimate Rare)
- 3 Super Rares
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